
Story of World’s Shortest Stories –

It Rained Stories

31 Aug 2022, It was Ganesh Chaturthi- Birthday of Lord Ganesha. I was sitting silently in my terrace garden listening to the singing of birds, sun peeping out of a cloudy sky, butterflies flying around and then suddenly it rained Stories.

Within a span of an hour I had 30 plus stories showered by existence. Short one or two line stories. I grabbed my mobile and wrote the Stories as they came by.

These stories are about life. For 25 years I have been fortunate to be in the self transformation space . I teach people about Money, Manifestation, Mindfulness etc . These stories reflect my passion about human beings, behaviour and life having personally interacted with more than a million participants.

They reflect on some aspect of the Society and the modern times we live. Sad, happy, shocking, spicy, philosophical: They reflect different moods. More than my story, they are your story, someones story and everyone’s story.

Suddenly, curiosity got the better of me and I checked the internet on World’s shortest stories. The first to flash was of the Famous American Novelist Ernest Hemingway’s 6 word story:

“For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.”

Then I came across another 2 word short story –
“Jesus Wept”

I stopped reading and went to offer prayers to Lord Ganesha in my home. Did Pooja and Aarti. I had the blessings of The Lord and felt I am God’s Special Child. I felt Gods hand in these stories that came my way.

The next day some hidden unknown force made me to check the domain –
Lo and Behold, I was surprised that it was available. I booked the domain.

This is how theworldsshorteststories was born.